Len Ramsay
Coaching, Counseling, and Therapy
Your life can be better.
Our work is all about you and your relationships, either alone, or with others important to you. My part is to help you by providing a supportive and sometimes challenging environment where you will build mindful awareness of yourself and the world around you, and become more integrated. Conflicts between what you should do and your own interests resolve. The adaptations you've made to make life bearable become less severe and difficult. Your life becomes better when you do that.
I will maintain a non-judgemental, open and receptive attitude and be an attentive and insightful witness in a co-creative process that can release your own energy and allow the strengthening of your own authentic self. Our work is about helping you live more fully, effectively, and even blissfully. Our approach to mental health is about wellness, and the goal is a life with more life in it, especially effectiveness and love.

Your Life Can Be Better